Does the world really need another hockey brand?
Given the saturated marketplace, awash as it is with incremental differences in playing equipment, particularly sticks, why would you bother trying to dip your toe into the water? If your aim is to engage in a race to the bottom via tweaking colors, price points and sponsoring ( giving away product ) to all and sundry then it is a futile cash burning exercise. that deters new entrants.
Crown Hockey being the glaring exception to all this; their ingenuity, a benchmark. We have huge respect for their talent and propensity for innovation and transparency.
At Voitto, we set out to march to the beat of our own drum. Our motivations, objectives, capabilities and raison dêtre are steeped solely in:
Sharing free, engaging and relevant sports science content ( blog posts, podcasts, videos ) for masters athletes.
Providing masters hockey players (mainly) with qualified, tailored evidence-informed strength & conditioning delivered digitally and supporting their aims for an improved health-span.
Designing affordable high content carbon sticks for Masters' players Made in Pakistan by our manufacturing partners. Unlike 99% of brands we openly share our manufacturing source.
We respect the loyalty and feel-performance preferences many have with incumbent stick brands, we only ask if you need a 2nd stick you consider a Voitto bō or Stellar.
Designing smart, functional training apparel using high performance natural fiber blends such as Merino & Tencel. These are unique and reflect on the Founders’ experience and expertise in extreme endurance product design & manufacture. Voitto Clothing is designed in NZ and Made in China for the sole reason we could not find a willing NZ-based CMT partner to make the products. The same issue occurred with our bag - as seen by the label we designed we are proud of collaborative efforts.
We do not make ambit claims about carbon neutrality to sound trendy but we do strive to achieve this critical goal by:
using recyclable packaging materials for our own shipping and
using a majority of natural fibre in our apparel.
This is far more than much larger, well-heeled market leaders.
Transparency is a fundamental tenet of our business practices.